Create Your Own Calming Yoga Space in Your Apartment

Blog #3 October 2019

Our homes should be a source of comfort. Sometimes, however, we need to make this happen on our own. If you are looking to find ways to calm yourself in your luxury apartment at Overton Row, then here are a few ideas to create a calming yoga space.

Location is important. There are spots around your space that make you feel good. Focus on one of these areas. This yoga area is all yours, so make sure you choose a space that will calm you immediately. A spot by a window, with plenty of natural sunlight, is a great place to choose.

Plants can liven up your area while giving you a sense of calm. Go to a local flower shop, and find a few small plants that please your eye. The lush and colorful plants will add a beautiful and relaxing element to both your yoga space and your home overall.

Finally, make sure your space is technology-free. Our phones and devices only serve as points of stress throughout the day. Disconnect while in your yoga space!

If you'd like to learn more about our luxury apartments, please contact us at Overton Row.



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Nov 3

Overton Row

1201 Central Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28204
(980) 261-3777

Office Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
  • Saturday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Sunday: Closed

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